sábado, 26 de junio de 2010

Obras de teatro en inglés

A lo largo de este tercer trimestre se han llevado a cabo la puesta en escena, en tres ocasiones distintas, de dos obras de teatro en inglés: "Revolting Rhymes" y "Summer Camp".
La primera de ellas, un cuento seleccionado de "Revolting Rhymes", es una versión adaptada del cuento de los tres cerditos con la que el público emocionado podía sentir la ilusión de la infancia y viajar al mundo de la fantasía e imaginación. La segunda obra, una proyección de contrastes culturales, con un mensaje de hermanamiento y respeto entre las personas de distintas nacionalidades, nos recuerda las grandes representaciones y shows de Broadway; colorido, dinamismo, baile y mucha música. Todo un curso en escena y perfectamente coordinados, ha sido realmente increíble.
Las profesoras que han dirigido ambas obras son Carmen González y Elena González. El encargado de coordinar la imagen y sonido ha sido Francisco Mendoza y las coreografías han corrido a cargo de Nines Algar. Todos ellos y los artistas, los alumnos de 2º de ESO A (grupo bilingüe) y dos alumnas de 1º de ESO B, estaban comprometidos con el reto de representar dos obras en inglés y han logrado divertir, ilusionar y emocionar a un público que nunca olvidará el evento.
Los profesores implicados ya están nuevamente pensando y proyectando una futura obra de teatro para el próximo curso, así que les deseamos desde ahora, mucho ánimo y les damos nuestra más sincera enhorabuena.

sábado, 2 de enero de 2010

Exchange programme. Trip to England, November 2009

Composition written by Lucía P.R. 4º ESO A

The aeroplane landed in London at London Stanted Airport. First we went to the school where we were going to spend some of our stay. The school was impressive.
The families that would receive us in their houses were there to welcome us, they were waiting for us. They were very nice!
The students who didn’t have a family to stay with went to the hotel in a family’s car.
The second day, everybody went to the school; “King Edward Grammar School”. We had breakfast there and later we met our partners. We were with them in their class. When the lessons finished, we went to the shopping centre in Chelmsford. There were two shopping centres all together! Finally, we ate in an Italian restaurant and we went to sleep.
On the 7th of November, we went to London by train. When we arrived there, we walked and we got into the underground. When we got out of the underground, the first thing that we saw was The London Eye. It was very very big!
Then, we walked to Big Ben and took some photos there. After that, we went to Coven Garden Street and got into the “Market”. We ate there and finally, we went to Hide Park, a huge park.
When we arrived in Chelmsford, we went to the cinema. I saw “The Man who Stared the Goats”, and other guys saw “This is it”, Michael Jackson’s film.
On Sunday, we spent all day with our families and we were with the teachers in the village centre.
On Monday, we went to school. We stayed with our partners and we met more people.
On Tuesday we went to Cambridge. I liked it so much because the universities are immense! On that day, a Spanish guide was with us. She showed us all the important places in the city. We saw several colleges, universities and churches.
The next day we were at school for two hours and later we went to a close village to play tennis. It was fun because the man who was with us was very nice.
At four we went to a shopping centre in Chelmsford again.
On Thursday, we went back to London. That day we saw Buckingham Palace, but we didn’t see Queen Elisabeth!
Later, we went to Oxford Street and we spent a lot of time there.
On Friday, we went to school and we met the English Students. When we finished the lessons, we went to ice-skate.
On Saturday, we went to Colchester by train, an English guide was with us that day. We saw the village and a Roman theatre.
The day of the arrival in Spain: It was a sad day, because we loved England. We went to London Stanted Airport by bus and we got to the plane at a quarter to twelve.
The travel was fantastic and I will do another travel the same as this one, with all the people!