martes, 5 de febrero de 2008

Being Bilingual

Being bilingual is an awesome thing. You can travel around the world and not be afraid of not understanding others. I was born in a Spanish speaking country, Uruguay, but I moved to Florida when I was around six years old. At first it was very difficult because I only knew Spanish, and in Florida they speak English. I had bilingual teachers who helped me learn English and become bilingual just like them. I am now 15 years old and I live in Spain, a Spanish speaking country. My Spanish is not as good as before, but I am not afraid to communicate with others. I can comprehend and communicate with others because I am bilingual. Now we all know that learning a second language is difficult but it’s beneficial for your future. I am now learning a third language, French, and its very difficult. But I know that when I’m done studying French I will be able to travel or even move to France and be able to communicate with others with no fears. In the future I will be able to move to any English, Spanish, French speaking country because I am bilingual. When I am out looking for a job many companies look for bilingual people, just because it’s better for the company. They don’t have to hire two people for the same job. Meaning they don’t have to hire one person to translate while the other one is communicating. Now another language sounds hard but it can be also fun. You can learn the culture of any language of the country you’re studying. For example when you learn French you learn that French is the official language of France and many other facts. You learn new things, things you expected you would never know. Being bilingual helps your future and also your personality. You can read any book you want in any language you want, you can travel the world, make new friends and keep in touch with them. Making new friends who are bilingual, you exchange facts about each other and learn new things about different places and different cultures. As a student goes off to collage or the University being bilingual lets you apply to universities around the world. Being bilingual will help you in the present and in the future.

María, 4º ESO A